So, minutes after finishing the finale of LOST, here I am, writing a blog post, reading through forums to get a better idea of what the heck went down. There are certainly LOL posts such as this in a thread of 'What questions/mysteries were answered?" and someone said
""We learned you can fix a jet with duct tape! ""
(This is SLIGHTLY spoilerish i guess, so read it at your own risk)
Which was just lol if you actually watched the episode.
An epic series of 6 seasons which was certainly a popular series winning several Emmys and lasting so long despite its enigmatic nature and high budget, finally ended.
I'm not going to tell you how it ended, because out of context, it's going to make no sense and not be good. But was the ending good? Read on.
-Spoiler begins, highlight text to read if you want to know-
The ending of the flash sideways being the afterlife was actually semi-predicted earlier on in the middle seasons. I recall reading a particular theory that the island was afterlife some seasons ago, and i guess he wasn't that far off.
Is it a good ending? I don't know. There are still many questions unanswered of course, like how the hell did MIB suddenly become vulnerable and can be killed when bullets can't stop him (neither can knives)
How did Ben suddenly get out from under the tree??
Why did Charles Whitmore want to get to the island so badly, and why use Desmond?
How did he know all about Jacob/MIB and know he can stop MIB with pylons etc.
This was one of the biggest plot hole IMO, he goes through so much trouble to get to the island.. and then tries to run away no wait, HIDE IN A DARK ROOM from smoky, and dies. lame.
Other questions:
What exactly is the light? Why does pulling a plug out put out the light? Why doesn't Jack die to the electromagnetic radiation since Desmond is supposed to be the only one who can pull the plug?
the rest are all minor questions like
What are the numbers?
Why did Jack's neck start bleeding during the afterlife flashes at the same time when Locke pricked him on the island?
Why did Egyptions build the statue?
Well ok i can go on and on, but i won't. I thought the ending was satisfactory - not good, but satisfactory. But what i'm unhappy about is the reaction to the ending!
Now i'm on the forums and people are going 'omg lost writers you suck you wasted 6 years of my life' and 'what a joke ending ' and yada yada. But seriously, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT? I actually started a thread there suggesting a 'create your own answer' kinda thing, let's see how it goes.
Though I am satisfied with the ending, if I had to give a viewpoint :
I would have preferred Season 6 to just be an entire season of answering questions with flashes to previous seasons (Think the Adam/Eve = Jacob's Brother/Fake Mom scene in 'Across the Sea' )
This gives the sort of 'ohhhh' feeling that many 'complicated' movies have when the plot twist comes and it explains the whole story with flashes to the beginnning of the show, usually with some sort of narration.
I guess this would have placated most fans by giving them what they all seem to want ' answers to their questions'.
-Spoiler end-
Well, the end of a great series, some may like it, some don't. What matters now is.. what am i going to watch now that there is no more LOST ever!!! zomg. :(